After 7 years, I'm back and better than ever!
So, what have I been up to you might ask?
Well, if we take a step back you all remember I had recently moved to Houston. I didn't know many people other than family so I decided to create my youtube channel "Chiclildevil". There I was able to express myself through my love for beauty and fashion. It was really just a fun outlet to pass some time. I started taking online classes at the community college since moving from New York was a huge expense.
I continued my education and proudly became a Tiger at Texas Southern University!
I graduated with my Bachelors in Science for Pre-med, however, I didn't get in to medical school, was devastated in not knowing what to do since medicine was my only goal. I later decided to go for my Master which I am currently persuing!

Somewhere in that educational debockel, I went from single to married 🤣🤣
I met the love of my life in 2014 (this is another story for another time) and we've been inceprable ever since.
I've reconnected with some old friends (seems like everyone wants to move to Houston from the East Coast) and made quite a bit of new aquaintences and life long friends.
Why am I back?
I'm now 27, (28 next month) and going through a lot of changes that I just want to document for myslelf, and express mydelf. If by chance I inspire someone along the way, that'll be AWESOME!
I plan to blog more often.. Lets see how it goes.
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